• Testimonial from February 2nd, 2022

    Very professional company especially Gabriel who efficiently coordinated everything needed with the sale of our villa. His quick responses and updates were really helpful.

    Fam. Cockel

  • Testimonial from January 26th, 2022

    Last year, sitting in the dreadful winter misery that is the Netherlands, my wife and I spontaneously decided, that's it, we are moving, after only one year, back to the Country, and more so, to the area between Gandia and Denia, we fell in love with, five years before. We both are not at all for meticulous planning and dragging things out, trying to anticipate every tiny little problem or things that might go wrong. Once we made a decision, things must happen fast. And so it did. With our house in the Netherlands on the market, we started to look around for our future place. For us, location was the main selling point, the condition of the house, was secondary. We wanted to work on the house and so, we were not looking for perfection. It took us less that two days, to find precisely what we were looking for.

    The object of our interest was sold via a real estate agent, which made us a bit nervous (again, due to the fact, that things did not go so smooth when we acquired our first home here in Spain). Nevertheless, we emailed the agency and conveyed our interest in purchasing that particular house. Shorty thereafter, we were in conversation with Josine, who, from the very first conversation, made us feel at ease. Josine took over all email, WhatsApp and phone communication, since she's Dutch herself, while Lorenzo, was the man behind the scenes, doing a ton of legwork. Due to the pandemic, we decided, to buy the house blind. This of course meant, we had to trust Josine and Lorenzo, which we did. Via video chat, we got a tour of the house and Josine was open and honest. Not only the pretty, perfect and shiny things were shown, but also the stuff that will need to be worked on. This meant, when we finally did go ahead and told Josine and Lorenzo, that we will by the property, we knew exactly what we were buying.

    A month later, my wife, two dogs and I arrived in Spain, and we finally met Josine and Lorenzo, for the first time, in person. Right away, it felt more like we were talking with friends more than to realtors. They did take us under their wing and helped us with everything, and I mean everything. We had a temporary place to stay for the first four to five weeks, at a local camping. This did not work out at all, not with two dogs and a 4 square foot cabin. So, we needed an apartment or a house, and we needed it stat. Again, Schaich did come through for us. We talked to Irena and sure enough, within twenty minutes, we were looking at not one, but two houses. Absolutely perfect. Once the final transaction was done, we expected to be nothing but history, a successful anecdote to the Real Estate Agency, but boy, were we wrong. Whenever we needed something, advice, contacts, contractors or simply had to make some copies of documents, we were always welcome at the office and always received outstanding service, and always with a smile. I do realize, this all sounds like an utopian review, and that it might seem, like I'm painting the sky a bit too rosy, but that's how it was, that's how great they are.

    Josine and Lorenzo were simply wonderful, honest and absolutely trustworthy. You want the best, give Josine a call, she will not disappoint you

  • Testimonial from January 19th, 2021

    We use Schaich Immobilien Els Poblets to sell our house in Spain.

    Mr. Lorenzo Fernandez was always available and helpful in the process.

    I can recommend for Lorenzo for selling your house.


  • Testimonial from December 22nd, 2020

    I can truly recommend Schaich real estate agency. My husband and I had a long buying process where we could not visit the house we were buying in Spain because of the Covid-19 situation, but had to deal with everything on mail and phone from Sweden.

    Thanks to excellent help and support from Schaich we felt confident enough to buy the house despite this. They helped us with EVERYTHING; photos, videos, answering millions of questions, recommending solicitors and other people we needed, not to mention all the extra things that came out of the Covid-19 situation.

    Always available, always answering very quickly, not only during the process but also after. Through out the whole process we felt safe and secure thanks to their calm and professional way of dealing with matters that appeared. Needless to say that we are very satisfied.

    Lena and Kjell Elster

Makler Denia + Immobilienmakler + Vermietung Denia + Bauen Javea + Renovieren + Pool Bauen

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